Y como diría Teodoro Golfín en Marianela,"Adelante, siempre adelante."
D. Damrosch"I conceive of world literature as a great conversation that takes place on two differents levels: among authors who know and react to one another's work and in the mind of the reader, where works meet and interact in ways that may have little to do with cultural and historical proximity."
Susan Bassnett"If we were to try and make a visual representation of [...] literature, the result would surely be a kind of map. Not the kind of map you find in an atlas, though, where the shape of entire countries can be seen, with seas and great rivers and mountain chains; it would be more like a British ordnance survey map, one that shows contour lines, large roads dissecting a mesh of minor roads, footpaths, and bridleways, a map with rivers and railway crossings, with tiny marks for the occasional prehistoric monument or site of exceptional natural beauty. An ordnance survey map comes out of meticulous research, which involves direct engagement with the land it depicts, it is a map in which expirience combines with measurement, a map produced from the taking of notes noting and the recording of detail. Above all, it is map that can be used by anyone, a map that enables to find your way even in the wildest, least inhabitated terrain."
"Un libro, como un viaje, se comienza con inquietud y se termina con melancolía."
Literatura. Memoria. Historia. Ergo Vida. Quête.Viaje. Escritura. Ergo Yo.